Support Services
Committed to fostering the success of all learners.
We value all aspects of student development, including personal, social and academic growth. The goal of Student Support Services department is to equip students, parents, and school staff with the skills, tools, and services necessary to foster the environment needed for students to find personal success.
Coaches/Title I interventionists/Reading Recovery
Coaches/Interventionists work in collaboration with classroom teachers to support students' academic needs.
Reading Recovery is a program for first graders who are in need of extra help in learning to read and write. Selected students have 30 minutes of individual instruction each day. Reading Recovery teachers have received special training to help children who are beginning readers and writers. The components of the Reading Recovery program are: fluent reading and writing, letter and word recognition, hearing sounds in words, and reading and writing strategies. Parent involvement with the program is critical. Parents must help their children with homework each night.
Title I is a funding source that provides resources for schools to assist in meeting students’ needs. Assessment data is used to determine student needs and intervention services.
Click here for more information on Title I and how to get involved.

Beth Determan
Title I Teacher
Academic Coach Teacher
Glacier Hills Elementary
651-683-6969 x82429

Kristi Paulson
Elem Literacy Interventionist
Reading Recovery/Academic Coach
Glacier Hills Elementary
651-683-6969 x84352
English Learner
The English Learner (EL) program is for the instruction of students of limited English proficiency in the following English language skills: reading, writing, listening and/or speaking. The students we serve have first learned a language other than English and/or come from a home where another language is often spoken.
The EL students at Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts & Science represent a wide variety of language groups. We have students whose first languages include Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, Somali, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish and Vietnamese. In the 2020-21 school year, there are 34 different home languages represented at our school!
Talent Development
Academically talented children are those students with outstanding abilities and capable of higher performance when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment. They have significantly different educational needs from their peers and require educational differentiation as a regular part of their school day to ensure they reach their full potential.
These services are available at all elementary and middle schools.
Talent Development contacts by school/location.
- Parent Resources
- Twice Exceptional (2e) Resources
- Gifted and Talented Advisory Council (GTAC)
- Service Model
- Identification
- Acceleration
Parent Resources
Twice Exceptional (2e) Resources
Gifted and Talented Advisory Council (GTAC)
Join our Gifted and Talented Advisory Council and help shape the curriculum for future students. Visit our Gifted and Talented Advisory Council (GTAC) page for meeting information, dates and times.
Service Model
Flexible and Fluid Service Model:
Talent Development services in District 196 is an inclusive, flexible and fluid model. Talent Development services are provided through flexible grouping based on district assessments and ongoing assessments in the classroom which are based on the content and standards being presented at that time.
Click below for more information:
- Overview of District 196 Talent Development Services
- Talent Development in District 196 Middle Schools
- Identification vs. Labeling for Talent Development
District 196 recognizes that students with superior abilities may have their needs best served by grade acceleration or single subject acceleration. Grade acceleration or single subject acceleration will be recommended only after other appropriate program changes or modifications have been deemed inadequate to meet the academic and emotional needs of the student in the student's current grade placement. This determination will be made by an assessment team.
For more information- District 196 Acceleration Information
Grade Acceleration (grade skipping)
Single Subject Acceleration
- Single Subject Acceleration of Students in Grades K-8
- Request for Consideration of Single Subject Acceleration Form
Early Entrance to Kindergarten