Connecting to our magnet theme
Our specialist teachers connect activities in their classes to our magnet theme and to grade-level units of study, allowing students to dive deep into many different topics. They also collaborate to provide opportunities for students to enrich their learning by creating across disciplines.
Library Media Center
In District 196, we believe library and media education is essential for teaching the whole child.
Our elementary media curriculum prepares students to be lifelong learners through development of skills that require critical and creative thinking, collaborating while taking into account a variety of perspectives, collecting, organizing, evaluating and communicating information, and becoming responsible digital citizens. We believe that reading is the foundation for all learning. Media specialists play a vital role in helping develop literacy competencies in all students and foster the development of lifelong readers.
Read Alouds
Multimedia Arts
In Multimedia Arts, students create artworks based on personal/cultural experiences.
Students combine traditional art making like drawing, painting and sculpture with digital and time-based media, including but not limited to filmmaking, animation, digital editing and green screen photography. They explore themes, diving deeper into subject matter using technological mediums, such as photography, animation, iMovie, and augmented realty.
"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy." - Ludwig van Beethoven
Music at GHESAS is more than singing, or playing an instrument. It is a means to develop confidence, pride, and love for the art of sound. Our students will perform, create, and integrate music into their learning experience. We hope this will be a joyful experience that opens the doors for a lifetime of loving music.
Physical Education
Physical education promotes respect for the uniqueness and dignity of self and others through physical activities.
Our physical education curriculum is designed to contribute to the lifelong development of the student by providing opportunities that positively impact and increase the intellectual, social, emotional and physical fitness of the student. Physical activity enhances social development by emphasizing personal achievement, character, and integrity through individual and team activities and sports.
STEAM: Where Art is the Heart of STEM
Science is the active study of the natural and man-made world, including processes, structures, designs and systems. Science students use their senses and tools to observe, record and analyze data about the world and make conclusions based on evidence. Scientifically literate young people can understand basic science concepts, use skills for doing scientific investigations, solve technical problems and design technologies for today’s world.
STEAM Grade Level Links
The STEAM Room Safety Contract needs to be signed by parents and students before using the STEAM Room. Contact the STEAM Specialist, Nicole Hosek, for a copy of the safety contract.
Web Links
Family Arts & Science Night
Traditional Cultural Arts
Arts created primarily for visual perception, as drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts.
Our visual arts curriculum makes valuable connections to the individual, to society and to culture. The growing complexity of our contemporary culture requires of every individual a capacity for visual analysis and critique. In the production and contemplation of artworks, we can understand ourselves and the world around us. Learning through the visual arts develops creative problem-solving skills as students face issues that often have multiple solutions. Art brings individuals together to share feelings, beliefs and values and develop a sense of community.